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Be thankful and appreciate your Life no matter what challenge lay before you. Being grateful keeps us open and present to the manifestation of positivity and abundance. Remember there is unequivocally always someone worse off than you. That's not to say your problems aren't real, of course they are BUT if you think long and hard enough you'll come to realize that more than likely they are not nearly as grand as you once had thought. Any day above ground is a good day. If you have a roof over your head, a bed to sleep in, food to eat and clean water to drink you are doing better than a good part of the people on the planet. Be grateful, there's real power in that. It will enhance your mood, change your perspective in a good way :), reduce stress and keep you open to possibilities that you hadn't seen before. It also just plain feels good too.,

Develop a daily mindfulness practice to keep your center and balance and help you focus. While doing so visualize and have intention. The energy we put out into the word is powerful and it matters so offer the type of energy you would like to receive from the cosmic ocean of infinite possibilities.

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