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Hey, you did that intentionally didn't you!

You know the saying "Never discuss religion or politics" oh and "Don't work with children or animals" I’m about to break the first one. Our life force and individual belief systems is a remarkable subject.

Energy, vibration, consciousness, love, quantum field, the power of intention, entanglement theory, the Secret, intelligent design, different dimensions and planes of existence, the higgs-boson elementary molecule, God, Karma…….this is a vast field of study in science, spirituality and religions the world over and has been since higher thinking evolved in mankind.

One would think, the overwhelming majority of the world is probably onto something with believing there is more to existence than ourselves, eh? To think what we do and put out into the word actually matters and manifests in ways unimaginable is an amazing concept if you really put your mind to it.

With all the collective technology and scientific rigor which exists today nobody of scientific or medical stature in this wide world that can explain what consciousness is, thus effectively what we, as sentient beings truly are. How fascinating is that!?

We do know we are made of energy (this is fact) and energy doesn’t die, this is also fact. We may want to be more mindful the type of energy we pour out in the cosmic ocean of infinite possibilities….just think, if you could tap into that energy stream, that vibration and consume it, become one with it and have your thinking manifest in ways only known to our hearts. What a powerful tool we all have at our disposal that can be to affect positive change in ours life? If you believe in that sort of thing that is :)

Be wary of what you think, the universe listens to all intention and acts in kind, good or bad or so they say. Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.

Keep your awareness tuned and sharp, watch for "coincidences" develop a daily mindfulness and meditation practice. Be still, be quiet and enjoy the ride.

"In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you." - Deepak Chopra.

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